I know I was meant to blog about my holiday today but I’m just too tired. I had to supervise a 4 hour drive to get home, Mummy was driving but she obviously needed my directions and general advice. Otherwise we could have ended up anywhere.
I was a little bit naughty though. I changed the directions a bit to stop at my great-grandad’s house. He’s nice but I really wanted to see his cat. Her name is Clawdia (because she has long claws). I was hoping to try out my latest mind control techniques, I downloaded a book from Amazon called ‘How to start your own cat army’. I didn’t get to try out my new ideas though because Clawdia ran away when she saw me coming…
Anyway, we got home to a great surprise. The professional photos from my party last week arrived! There were loads of boring photos of my mum in her big white dress and dad in his suit. And then there was my new official portrait 🙂 I really like it. I think I might use it on my election posters, I’m planning on getting elected President within the next six months (I’ll be the only candidate so it’s really just an excuse to put pictures of myself all over the country).
So here’s my new official portrait. By a real professional photographer. Cos I’m worth it 🙂
Oink xxx
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