This whole Oink shot of the week thing is getting too much. I know that my loyal public are always looking for new photos of me to print out and stick to their walls but I’m really far too busy to keep everything happy. When it’s a choice between typing or twiddling my thumbs while plotting the outfit I will be wearing when officially proclaiming myself Emperor, typing never wins. (By the way, I shall be wearing black velvet with solid gold buttons and a cape)
So I’ve decided to downgrade this slot to Oink shot of the fortnight. Try not to be upset.
To cheer you up, here’s a lovely photo of me taken last weekend when I went to see my Aunty Allisum for her birthday. That’s her hand in the photo trying to restrain me. I got her an amazing chocolate version of me (I’m so famous they now make giant chocolate pigs in my image) but I was finding it a little difficult to hand it over. I also got her a balloon but it went flat before she got to see it. That shop has lost out on its place as Chief Balloon Supplier to the Emperor… Still, I look quite cute in this photo so enjoy 🙂
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