Oink merchandise now available

I am finally getting the recognition that I deserve! I was passing through Penneys a few weeks ago (Mum was looking for boring clothes for herself and my boring little brother) and I spotted something wonderful. Socks with my name and face on them! Now I’m not quite sure why the powers that be chose to immortalise me on socks first (surely flags or coins would have been more appropriate) but I’ll happily accept it.

After a lot of head scratching, I’ve finally found a use for them. Labels for my little brother! Now the whole world knows that he belongs to me and can return him if he gets lost ๐Ÿ™‚







2 responses to “Oink merchandise now available”

  1. snowslife Avatar

    Hey Oink, love the socks! ‘^-^’ I wish that there was Snow socks but alas, no. ๐Ÿ™ I stole my mummy’s phone and saw that she was talking to your mummy about going to the zoo!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜› I hope it happens soon because I fell like recruiting some more animals!
    See u soon!
    ‘^-^’ <3 Snow <3 '^-^'

    1. Oink Avatar

      Hi Snow! I can’t wait to go to the zoo! I’m working on a battle plan for releasing all the animals (so long as they agree to join my army), I’ll call you soon to get your ideas on it ๐Ÿ™‚

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